
Here you can find all the contact details for Petit Palace Posada del Peine. Discover the official name, telephone number, mailing address, email address and online web form for Hotel Petit Palace Posada del Peine in case you have any questions 🤔. Feel free to contact us for whatever you may need: information about the museums along the Art Walk, the opening hours for Retiro Park, what is offered at our healthy buffet... we are always happy to help you 😎🤟🏼.

Petit Palace Posada del Peine Web Form

Query type
Last name

Mandatory fields

See address


Calle Postas, 17

28012 Madrid, , España

Reception hours

from Monday to Sunday

24 hours

Check-in and check-out times

Check-in from 14:00 h

Departure until 12.00 h

Social networks